
Your Home Rehab Therapist

About Nova

Approximately 15.000.000 strokes occur worldwide each year. Roughly half of the patients suffer from hemiplegia, a condition that inhibits you from using one side of your body due to brain damage. Typically, one of the first things patients want to relearn is walking. To create new connections in the brain, the correct movement must be performed repeatedly. Unfortunately, intensive rehab often stops too early.
Nova, your new set of home therapy smart pants, allows you to efficiently continue your rehabilitation at home. Integrated sensors at the bottom of the pants’ legs measure your movements. They can track how you move your legs to observe which movement you intend to make. The printed circuit board’s algorithms will calculate how the movement needs be tweaked to perform it correctly. Contracting cables at the inside of your leg will then give you a hint on how to walk by slightly pulling your leg in the right direction. The cables do not move your leg all the way up – since it is a brain injury, we need to train the brain to initiate the movement and have the leg carry it out.
Moreover, the sensors can measure your weight distribution. They will vibrate once you put your body weight on your strong side for too long.
Our integrated battery and efficient motor will get you through the whole day. You can simply charge the components overnight and plug them into a clean set of Nova pants in the morning. The pants are washable and can be worn underneath normal pants. Therapists recommend two minutes of exercise every hour for an efficient rehabilitation. Our app sends you reminders and guides you through these two-minute sessions.
It also counts correctly performed steps and informs you about your latest accomplishments. Based on the collected information, your therapists can adjust the therapy from a distance at any time.


Rik Oudenhoven

2013 - 2015 Junior Industrial designer, Scope design, Amersfoort, the Netherlands
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2009 - 2013 Bachelors Industrial design, at Saxion University of applied Sciences, Enschede, The Netherlands
2011 - 2012 Internship Industrial design, Daye Design, Cixi, China
2012 - 2012 Internship Industrial design, Reggs, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2013 - 2013 Bachelor thesis Industrial design, Villeroy & Boch, Roden, the Netherlands
2013 - 2015 Junior Industrial designer, Scope design, Amersfoort, the Netherlands


Aileen Kassing

2015 - 2018 Masters Advanced Product Design, Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå, Sweden
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2011 - 2015 Bachelors Industrial Design, University Of applied Sciences Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
2013 - 2014 Internship Industrial Design, Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
2014 - 2015 Bachelor Thesis Industrial design, Carl Zeiss AG, Germany
2015 - 2018 Masters Advanced Product Design, Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå, Sweden
2016 Internship Industrial Design, Swift Creatives, Aarhus, Denmark

device = mobile