Your Smart Food Scanner

About PRIO

In 2012 the world pesticide usage at the producer level was more than 2,6 million metric tons, according to the United States Environmental Agency. Today more than 1000 diverse types of pesticides are used worldwide (WHO).
If used carefully, pesticides help farmers to eliminate pests and increase yield rates. However, pesticides can destroy natural habitats and accumulate in the food chain. Depending on exposure, all pesticides can also be toxic to humans, causing cancer or harming the brain cells. Let’s assume you buy fruits and vegetables and prepare them for tonight’s dinner. Can you know how much exposure to toxins they provide to you?
Prio is a compact mobile device that measures, analyses, and indicates toxic residues in your food. Simply hold a piece of produce close to Prio’s spectrometer sensor and press the button to scan. Hovering Prio closely along the surface of the fruit or vegetable will enable it to measure and identify any harmful substances in the food you are about to buy or consume. After a few seconds of analysis, Prio indicates the results in traffic light colors. If it shines green in the indicator area, then Prio could not detect any harmful substances. A yellow light shows low signs of toxins. A red light indicates especially hazardous toxins or high amounts of other toxins. In other words, Prio provides information about how these foodstuffs have been treated, information which is normally hardly accessible. Prio’s simplifies spectrometer technology and makes it easy to use and understand. Designed to have a place in your home, Prio charges using a magnetic docking station with a small footprint. It is always ready and charged whenever you want to use it or take it with you. Its size and weight allow it to be packed into pockets or small bags. Therefore, it can be discreetly used even before you buy your groceries.


Thomas Helmer

Since 2015 Studies at Umeå University, Institute of Design, Advanced Product Design (MFA), Umeå, Sweden
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2011 - 2015 Studies at Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd, Industrial Design (BA), Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
2015 Work for Carl Zeiss Smart Optics GmbH, Industrial Design, Aalen, Germany
2015 - 2018 Studies at Umeå University, Institute of Design, Advanced Product Design (MFA), Umeå, Sweden
2016 - 2017 Internship at Philips Design Department, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2017 Internship at frog design, Milan, Italy

device = mobile